By 2030, At least 70% of adults ages 25-44 in Walla Walla and Columbia counties will have a postsecondary credential.
Why It Matters
In Walla Walla and Columbia Counties, many young people lack the support needed to successfully transition from high school to postsecondary pathways, putting them at a significant disadvantage in a job market where most living-wage jobs require postsecondary credentials. Despite nearly 90% of Washington high school students expressing a desire to continue their education, only 50% enroll directly in postsecondary programs, and even fewer complete their degrees or certifications. This gap is especially pronounced for students from low-income backgrounds and first-generation college students. Elevate's partners, recognize that postsecondary education—including apprenticeships and two- or four-year degrees—is one of the strongest drivers of social and economic mobility. With enrollment declining across the state, our work alongside local schools, colleges, and community organizations is more critical than ever to ensure every student has the opportunity and support to pursue their future goals.
Horizons Grant
United Way of the Blue Mountains, through our Elevate initiative, is proud to announce that we have been awarded the Horizons Grant, through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This funding will support our efforts to strengthen regional partnerships with K-12 districts and higher education institutions to implement evidence-based strategies that increase the number of students enrolling directly in postsecondary programs after high school graduation. The grant will enhance our capacity to build regional data systems, support learning across the state, and listen to the voices of students, parents, and educators—especially those from Black, Latino, and Indigenous communities, as well as students from low-income and rural backgrounds. Through this community-driven approach, we aim to develop meaningful solutions that ensure every student has the opportunity to succeed in their postsecondary journey.
Elevate's Postsecondary Partners
College Place Public Schools
Communities in Schools
Dayton School District
ESD 123
Port of Columbia County
Prescott School District
Walla Walla Community College
Walla Walla Public Schools
Walla Walla Valley Chamber
Whitman College
United Way of the Blue Mountains (backbone)