Me and My Prince Ball Sponsor

Your Name
Your Contact Information
Sponsorship Level
•Admission and reserved seating for 8 guests •Prime name placement on sponsor board at the event •Recognition in sponsor announcements at the event •Mention in all event promotional materials, including reservation webpage
•Admission and reserved seating for 4 guests •Name placement on sponsor board at the event •Recognition in sponsor announcements at event •Mention in all event promotional materials, including reservation webpage
•Admission for 2 guests •Name placement on sponsor board at event •Recognition in sponsor announcements at event •Mention in all event promotional materials, including reservation webpage
•Name placement on donor board display table •Name mentioned when item is awarded
Donation Method
Check Donation
Make checks payable to United Way of the Blue Mountains.  Mail checks to: PO Box 1134, Walla Walla, WA 99362.
In-Kind Donation
Credit/Debit Card Donation
After completing this form you will be redirected to our payment page where you will be able to process your transaction in a secured environment. Please be sure to enter the same values that you have entered on this form. Thank you!
Sponsorship Total