United Way of the Blue Mountains invites applications for board membership from individuals residing in Walla Walla and Columbia counties Washington and Umatilla, Morrow, Wallowa, Baker, and Union counties Oregon.  As a board member, you'll join a team of committed volunteers dedicated to enhancing the future of the Blue Mountain Region for all its residents. 

United Way of the Blue Mountains maintains a robust presence in our region, operating independently with a local focus on funding and support. Board members provide mission-driven leadership and strategic governance to support our work. While day-to-day operations are overseen by the Executive Director, the board collaborates closely in a partnership to guide the organization effectively.

Click here to learn more about the UWBMT Board Member Responsibilities and Expectations.

Once you read the responsibilities and expectations and you feel like YES - I want to help the Blue Mountain Region....then complete the application below.


Contact Information

You're welcome to provide your Date of Birth, Gender, and Ethnicity if you feel comfortable, but please know that these sections are entirely optional. Our United Way board of Directors seeks to accurately represent our entire region's demographics, and your input would be appreciated but is not required.

In what area(s) would you offer experience or interest in United Way?